MLK Saratoga

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BHM SPOTLIGHT #12: JOY KING — Democracy Advocate, Community Engine, Hometown “Bridger”

JOY KING’s “roots & shoots” in Saratoga Springs are as deep and strong as they are wide and reaching. She covers so many areas of community life here, it’s hard to know when she stops to recharge her batteries! This makes her a walking resource about all manner of Saratoga history and happenings across an array of circles and communities. Toga-raised and schooled, you don’t have to look too deeply into King’s background to feel her family’s commitment to community shining through. Her father, a retired NYPD officer, returned to his upstate hometown, pursuing a second career at GE, while continuing his “call-to-service” by maintaining an engaged presence in the local neighborhoods, especially with young people — always seeking to help steer them in positive directions. Then there’s her open-hearted mom, who “opened her home for a meal or for a sleep” to any of those same kids, while navigating raising her own black children in Saratoga’s predominantly white culture — something King knows a bit about, herself, as her 2 sons grew up here, as well. (THAT is worth an evening conversation, for those interested.)

King brings her indomitable spirit and voice to democracy’s primary tool - The Vote. Vocal about the importance of this precious American right, she leans in 200% to campaign for those she believes represent the community’s and her best interests. She then serves the people of this city by tirelessly assisting at the polls and in other background, “day-of” election support capacities. On top of navigating all the political “ebbs and flows,” King regularly attends City Council meetings in her desire to be an informed and involved citizen. In Joy King’s Lexicon of Life, DEMOCRACY is actually a verb!

The other sphere King is passionately committed to is the Frederick Allen Elks Lodge #609, which is named for her great-grandfather, someone she speaks dearly of with great pride and warmth (and a special smile for their shared birthday). Rare is the Lodge event that Ms. King is not anchoring some element of the organizing or production, as she mobilizes those around her to “make it happen!,” filling in the gaps when and where necessary.

King nurtures relationships all around her, a genuine gift evident as she walks down Broadway — greeting person-after-person by name, asking after kids and health concerns, reminding friends what’s coming up next. Joy King intuitively understands that to “build bridges” of strength and resilience in a community, people need to feel seen, heard, and valued. These relationships and the shared history they represent connect us to each other through our humanity — and those bridges can help us to create a more cohesive, mutually-sustaining future for us all. So let’s all “Joy-UP!” and keep connecting, Saratoga … and get out there and VOTE!!

League of Women Voters: Election Info Site