This 28-minute documentary will be available for private viewing from 4/18 thru 4/24.
For link to view film and to register for special program on Thursday 4/22, email:
SYNOPSIS: WITHOUT A WHISPER / KONNON:KWE is the untold story of the profound influence of Indigenous women on the beginning of the women’s rights movement in the United States. The film follows Mohawk Bear Clan Mother Louise Herne and Professor Sally Roesch Wagner as they seek to correct the historical narrative about the origins of women’s rights in the United States.
Watch film trailer here:
THURSDAY, April 22, 7:00pm
Please join MLK Saratoga for a live virtual discussion with Clan Mother Louise Herne and Filmmaker Katsitsionni Fox, as we honor both the Earth and the rich importance of the unspoken stories that history has ignored, forgotten, or simply white-washed.
For link to view film and to register for special program on 4/22, email:
Skidmore College
Albany Social Justice Center
Ndakinna Education Center
Seven Dancers Coalition
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Saratoga Springs
Jean Fei
Ann Liske
Kay Olan