Director-Actor-Playwright-Professor — Dr. Eunice S. Ferreira seeks to engage her students in the depth and breadth of the human experience as played out on the metaphoric stage and connecting young people to their world via theater across many communities.
OURstory Treasure Hunt invites you to begin to uncover and explore Saratoga Springs’ history of our People of Color … we cannot truly know ourselves and how we have arrived where we are today until we re-weave the very fabric of OUR shared story — which is a much more color-full, vibrant and extraordinary tapestry of Humanity than our history books, classrooms, and memories have represented over the centuries.
BHM SPOTLIGHT #14: SHERRY ANDERSON — Hosting with a Welcoming Heart
Shining warmly from the very heart of the Frederick Allen Elks Lodge … Sherry Anderson, a quiet powerhouse with an engaging smile, easy laugh, and spine of steel, anchors the club’s bar. While serving her patrons, she sees and hears it all — and still welcomes us back, again and again. You can feel the love, right?
BHM SPOTLIGHT #13: JACOB SMITH, Skidmore's Rising Community Leadership Making a Difference
Jacob Smith (Class ‘24, Skidmore College) is a journalist and a Spoken Word artist. A NYC native, he is no stranger to using words to connect — the stand-out feature about Smith and his words is the intentional action he threads through them: action before his words, action under his words, action continuing even after his words have been propelled out into the public. Case in point: Saratoga Springs’ Frederick Allen Elks Lodge #609.
BHM SPOTLIGHT #12: JOY KING — Democracy Advocate, Community Engine, Hometown “Bridger”
BHM SPOTLIGHT #11: BOB REED - Team Player, Community “Coach”, Champion of Our Youth
There’s something very special about Bob Reed — perhaps it’s the confidence of man who has played in the Big League or his ease with bringing people into his conversation. Or is it his smile? Actually, it’s what is underlying all of that … a huge heart with a deep mission to help the “home team” stay engaged and get better at this game we all call “Life”!
BHM SPOTLIGHT #10: FREDERICK ALLEN ELKS LODGE #609 — Saratoga's Heart of Soul
Through the decades, the Frederick Allen Elks Lodge has represented the vibrant strength of our African American community … come by for a visit and bring a friend, then stay for the community! After all, our community IS your community — and whatever is coming “tomorrow” is going take ALL of us coming together “today”!
BHM SPOTLIGHT #9: FRANCELISE DAWKINS — Textile Collagist Quilting Our Oneness
BHM SPOTLIGHT #8: STEPHEN J. TYSON, Sr. - Painter, Professor…Podcaster
BHM SPOTLIGHT #7: DAESHA DEVÓN HARRIS — Photographer, Artist, Educator, Community Engager
BHM SPOTLIGHT #6: Co-Chairs CAMILLE DANIELS & JASON GOLUB and SS Police Reform Task Force
Camille Daniels and Jason Golub, residents and professionals of Saratoga Springs, leaned into co-leadership of one of the most challenging, confrontational, and exhaustive efforts our community has experienced in the past two decades — one that has perhaps the greatest potential to positively impact our BIPOC community members, as well as the future of Public Safety for all of us.